The journeys and the works of the Tournovo wood sculptors
As it has been stressed the wood sculptors «
were active in certain regions and worked in accordance with the unwritten rules, which were based upon the common law. The range of activity, e.g. by the tagiadoroi from the villages of Konitsa and of Tzoumerka extended exclusively into Epirus and Albania; whilst the Metsovo and Samarinio the tagiadoroi went down to Thessaly; They all however spilled out into the wider area, having reached as far as the hinterland of Asia Minor and Syria and as far as Rumania, having an influence on the local practices and also accepting influences».
The name of the wood sculptor Chrestos has been mentioned, who created a lectern with the inset technique at the Byliza Monastery (the Annunciation of the Theotokos) in 1695. The lectern carried on its five sides the inscription: «TO THE MOST BLESSED / BY THE SPIRITUAL (BROTHER) AGAPIOS / IN THE YEAR OF 1695 AND THE MONTH OF AUGUST BY THE HAND OF CHRESTOS». Elsewhere it has been mentioned that Bas. Skalistes built a wood sculptured likeness of George Washington and that it is situated somewhere in the USA.
In relation to their individual works, it is not possible to know them all. We can mention generally that the wood sculptors from the Konitsa region travelled and decorated churches at even the smallest villages and cities, from Preveza as far Chimarra, Ioannina, Metsovo, Samarina, and Kastoria. They also travelled and created various works outside of Epirus (Ambrakikon, Premete, and Argyrokastron) and at Western Macedonia, Thessaly, Thrace, on many islands, Bulgaria, Serbia, Rumania (Philippoupolis, Stenimachos). Giorgis Κ. Chrestos who was descended from Liskatsi, travelled and worked at Ioannina, Liskobiki, Philiates, Premete, Thessalonike, and Bitolia. Tournovo taliadoroi created the iconostasis at Aghios Achilleios at Larissa (which has been burned), at Aghios Charalambos at Preveza, at Aghios Spyridon at Bonitsa, at the metropolis of Sopike in North Epirus, as well as iconostases for the churches in the villages of the regions of Pogonion, Chimara, Premete, Korytsa, Polybista and Argyrokastron. The brothers Kotoulas and Demetrios sculptured the iconostasis for Aghios Achilleios at Pentalophon of Boion. Demetris also worked in the Monasteri region of Macedonia and at Leskbiki in North Epirus. He also created an identified work at Kastoria. Nikolas Skalistes created the iconostasis at the Plekati village of Konitsa, in Aetoloakarnania iconostases were created at Konopina, Lepeno, Bambalion of Amphilochia, the icon stand at the metropolis of Agrinion, the pulpit, throne and icon stand at Panaetolion. Markos Skalistes worked in the Zagorion villages whilst Themistocles Papageorgios practiced his profession in the Agrinion region.