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Home 07 February 2025
Culture Traditional forms of Art - Professions Wood sculpture Representative works Epirus Gorgopotamos

Vemothyra with hagiography painted by Onouphrios the Cypriot (1591), Tirana Museum
(Photo: Triantaphyllos Sioulis)

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Geograpchic map of Ioannina Prefecture with the works of Metsovo and Tournovo wood sculptors
Geograpchic map of Ioannina Prefecture with the works of Metsovo and Tournovo wood sculptors

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Wood sculpture of Gorgopotamos
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Tirana Museum

Triantaphyllos Sioulis

© Prefecture of Ioannina
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Many wood sculpted objects were found in the show cases of the Tirana Museum, which have been dated to various periods, from the 16th up to the 19th century with hagiography in their sections that all allude to artists of Greek descent, such as Onouphrios the Cypriot, whose name we have read at a vemothera that was displayed in the Museum dated to.