

ΝΑΤURA 2000:

Mount Mitsikeli (GR2130008):
Elongated mountain ranging from the northwest to the southeast, located north of the city of Ioannina. It is the natural border of the Zagori area with the Ioannina basin. The altitude of the highest peak is 1810m. By contrast with the northern slopes, which are covered by dense vegetation, the southern slopes are nearly bare. It has an area of 8,436 hectares.
It includes mountain meadows, and scrub vegetation. On the northern slops (facing Zagori) there are pine forests, mainly comprising of hybrid pine (Abies borisii-regis), oak forests, (Quercus sp.) etc. The most important habitats that have been recorded (in accordance with the regulation 92/43) are:
- Mountain and Mediterranean land soils with thorny bushes.
- High copses with Juniperus oxycedrus.
- Scrubs Sacropoterium spinosum.
- Forests of hard leaved plants used for pasture.
- Greek beech trees with Abies borisii regis.
- Plane trees of the East (Platanus orientalis).

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