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Home 08 February 2025
Culture Traditional forms of Art - Professions Hagiography - Painting Hagiography - painting of Kapesovo Epirus Kapesovo
Hagiography - painting of Chionades
Hagiography - painting of Kapesovo
Chionades hagiographers
Kapesovo hagiographers
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A systematic investigation, beyond the various smaller investigations by other researchers, on the Kapesovo hagiographers has been completed by Demetris Kostantios in his Doctoral thesis on the subject: «Approach to the work by the painters from Kapesovo in Epirus. Contribution to the research of religious painting in Epirus in the 18th and the 1st half of the 19th century»; who is presently the director at the Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens; formerly the principal of the 8th Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities at Ioannina. The continual research by other researchers has brought to the light of day other mural ensembles and very many portable icons that carry the names of Kapesovo hagiographers.

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Portable icons

To date a great number of portable icons have been located that beat the names of the Kapesovo hagiographers. We shall certainly be able to classify these under the post Byzantine art in Epirus.

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On the mural ensembles, as well as on the icons, inscriptions have survived, from which we can draw useful conclusions about the Kapesovo hagiographers. We shall present some of these, since the number of the surviving inscriptions on the Murals and the icons, are very many.

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Influences that they received and the adaptations that they made

The Kapesovo painters drew a lot of their iconography elements from murals of the Palaeologean era that we have encountered in Macedonia, as well as elements from the works of the Cretan painters in the 15th and 16th century.

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The technique and the mood of their works

The Kapesovo hagiographers remained faithful to the traditional Byzantine style in relation to the technique.

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Evaluation of their art

We are dealing here with one of the most noteworthy teams of hagiographers in Epirus during the specific period (18th –1st half of 19th century). We may even be able to describe them as the most «traditional».

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Geographic map of Ioannina Prefecture with the works of Kapesovo hagiographers

Geographic map of Ioannina Prefecture with the works of Kapesovo hagiographers

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